E19 Creating Culture with Dana Hardt
Culture is fundamental to who we are, not only as athletes but as people, too. It can come from all different kinds of sources, but few have more of an impact than our teachers. Today's guest is Dana Hardt, and she is one such teacher. Promoting culture from an early age to her students, her impact will be felt long into the future.
4:45 - Dana Hardt, biliteracy teacher
12:00 - Patience and empathy
15:00 - Purposeful practice
27:05 - Overcoming the struggles of overdelivering
29:45 - When facing burnout, go get inspired
31:00 - Balancing "you" time
32:45 - From D1 swimmer to teacher
36:45 - Overtraining
39:45 - It's OK to change when you're wrong
42:00 - Mental flexibility
48:15 - Find your passion first
50:45 - Allow kids to make mistakes
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